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poems written from craigslist postings.


heavy chain for hanging
that unusual ghost

sanded blue kitchen
where worn curtains hang
and french milk paints
the breakfast oatmeal


email a plant
the directions for a bath

desires : softer anxieties


to be sky :
odd work for the inner clear
translucent and sealed against the whole.


Family reunions.

Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars.
Trash wood rodeo bull shit.

Stacks of wild boar and bobcat bar-b-que,

Cinco de Mayo furniture
of New Mexican pinon.

light bay
in the rolling hills pastured,
his collected gait
have shoes never seen.

half-halts lunge terrain,
soft eye and flowing mane
are streams among the woods.

— beautiful temperament,
different and wild.

with kindness
turns on the fore,
turns on the rear,
backs up bareback —
sensitive and thread-light.


”Tiffanie's ability to exaggerate the absurd fumble-y sort of way we interact on craigslist is delightful…on craigslist, people sound silly (or worse, dull and mechanical) but Tiffanie turns them into poets.”

”Softer anxieties belong on couches. People make a living this way. Online they give it away for free.”
Beach Sloth

“Tiffanie Lanmon is available for your next wedding.”
Western Beefs

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